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AlpBC at fair "Monumento Salzburg"


The project AlpBC was presented at fair "Monumento" 16.-18. Januar 2014 in Salzburg. Numerous stakeholders attended the conference session with nationally renowned speakers.


With the fair „Monumento", the second time in Salzburg, an international platform for conservation, preservation, restoration was created and thus promoted the awareness of heritage preservation was promoted.The motto of the fair was „Stone" .


The project AlpBC was presented by a Community fair stand (Deutscher Pavillion). The booth was visited by a large number of interested visitors which discussed with us about possibilites concerning (energetic) renovation of existing buildngs and the needs for education within this sector.

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC e AlpHouse sono progetti dell'Unione Europea (UE) in cooperazione con il Gruppo di Lavoro dei Paesi Alpini (ArgeAlp), guidato dalla Camera di Commercio e Artigianato per Monaco e l'Alta Baviera. (HWK)