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Building restoration: A GIS Task?


This question was raised in a presentation at the GI Forum in Salzburg at 5th July 2013. The work of research studio iSPACE within the AlpHouse project showing how to use GIS methodology, analyses and tools for the support of people working for improvements in the building sector serve as examples in the presentation showing the benefits the topic can gain from GIS usage.


The full text of the paper presented is published in the proceedings of the conference and can be downloaded for free at the publisher's open access platform GIS.Point.

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC e AlpHouse sono progetti dell'Unione Europea (UE) in cooperazione con il Gruppo di Lavoro dei Paesi Alpini (ArgeAlp), guidato dalla Camera di Commercio e Artigianato per Monaco e l'Alta Baviera. (HWK)