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Kick-off Event in Salzburg Region on April 28th, 2010


On April 28th, 2010 a large kick-off event took place in the baroque palace of Urstein near Salzburg/Austria, visited by over 100 people. The title was „Renovation between the conflicting priorities of tradition and innovation“. Representatives of economy and politics from Austria and Bavaria – including ÖkR. Simon Illmer, President of the Regional Parliament of Salzburg, and DI Rudolf Scherzer, Vice-President of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects – took part in a panel discussion. The Project Manager Dr. Karlheinz Valtl explained the special linkage of traditional building types with innovative energy technology in the AlpHouse project.



There was a broad press coverage of the event:



If you want to listen to a radio feature broadcasted on Radio Salzburg on May 2nd, 2010 – please click here



Pictures from the event


AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC e AlpHouse sono progetti dell'Unione Europea (UE) in cooperazione con il Gruppo di Lavoro dei Paesi Alpini (ArgeAlp), guidato dalla Camera di Commercio e Artigianato per Monaco e l'Alta Baviera. (HWK)